Personal Training
Private one-on-one or small group (2-4 people) sessions customized for your body and lifestyle. We breakdown your goals and abilities to design a program that works.
Private one-on-one or small group (2-4 people) yoga classes ranging from gentle to challenging. We help you find your mind-body-breath connection.
Personal Training Bundles
Commit to your shift with these cost saving bundles. Value sessions are offered in 4, 10 and 20 packages.
Gym & In Home Training
Whether you prefer the comfort of your home gym or a private personal training studio, Shift Fitness will design and execute a personalized fitness program that works. After completing our client intake forms we will be able to determine your fitness goals and obstacles so that your program is successful.
Outdoor & Recreational Fitness
Shift Fitness loves the outdoors! Because fitness shouldn't just be in a gym, we also provide outdoor personal training. This can mean everything from an outdoor bootcamp, hiking or cycling. What ever you passion, take us with you and we will maximize your results.
Single Session and Package Rates Available
We have pay-per-session and package rates depending on your needs. Check out our current pricing schedule here.